Friday 23 August 2024

Be Still!

It's being raining over here for days... off and on, sometimes throughout the day. Making it uncomfortable to leave one's house. I am not a fan of walking around pothole infested and muddy roads. Nor do I like being splashed with yucky water by fast cars, bikes, et al. I don't envy those who are in one nine to five employment or the other. Or those who have to get to their business places, come rain, come shine. Una doh oooo.

It's colder now, be it day or night. My blankets are now my best pals. Plus late night cuddles from my significant other. πŸ˜‚ These past few days, several people can be seen clad in different types of sweatshirts and hooded jackets. I think I saw someone in stockings today, or was it yesterday?

How is the weather condition in your life right now? Are you facing a storm? Is it as if the sun will never shine again? Are the dark clouds looking so gloomy, as if it will never clear up?

Be at peace! Stand still and watch as your King, Saviour and Priest will come through for you. After all, he gave up the ends of the earth in exchange for you! Isa.43:4

Monday 19 August 2024

God Hears You

Yesterday afternoon, while cooking lunch, I was super hungry and it made waiting for the food to cook tiring and cumbersome. I didn’t have anything to snack on. We've exhausted these group of enjoyables (groundnut, biscuits, candies, etc) already... and I haven't been able to stock the pantry with them due to unavoidable circumstances. I thought of soaking garri-flakes while I wait for the main meal, but later changed my mind. I will grudgingly wait for the food to cook, then I will fill my belly.

What are you waiting on God for today? How long have you been waiting? Are you angry at your maker because it seems as if he is taking his precious time in manifesting your miracles? Or does it seem as if God hasn't heard your cries?

Dear beloved, God hears you. He knows exactly what you need every single moment of each day. Try as much as you can to trust in him and hold on, and wait for him to act. Let him cook up your miracles and serve you right before your enemies. It will surely end in praise!

Enjoy your day πŸ€— Job.14:14

Trying Out New Things

I was a little bit skeptic when my better half asked me to make garden eggs sauce with bitter leaves! In the past, I have used chicken broth, beef stew, pumpkin leaves with spinach and even water leaf to make the garden egg sauce. But I have never ever tried using bitter leaves.

What are you skeptic about this time and season? Are you scared about venturing into a new business, a new job, or a new contract? Is it your marriage, dating-relationship or sibling rivalry issues? Or is it that nosy neighbour in your compound or area? You are at a complete loss on what to do. Or everything you have tried ended up compounding issues?

Be it as it may, don't give! Don't stop pressing forward! Don't fail to seek a multitude of counsel from people who have gone ahead of you in the job or business or marital life. And most importantly, seek God first in all you do and He will surely direct your paths. Stay safe πŸ€— Prov.3:5,6.

Stay Strong

I went to the street market yesterday to get some spices to make lunch. Obviously, everything is on the increase. The sellers are agitated and the buyers are filled with gloom and apprehension. The atmosphere can be compared to the state of a nine months old pregnant woman, ready to give birth! There is tension in the air, wherever you go. 

Some people are hopeful that things will turn around soon, while a good majority assume that it will only get worse. No one knows the outcome of the Nigerian situation presently. All we can do is to move... taking each step at a time... hoping that whatever happens, it will work for our good.

What part of the globe are you right now? Every country is facing their unique challenges and problems. 

I want to encourage you this morning/afternoon/night, take a deep breath... this is not a clichΓ©, it is really going to be all right. The way God is going to sort you out... it will be beyond your craziest imaginations! 

Please hold on, and stay strong. If you are weary, ask Him for strength! If you are scared, ask Him to take the fear away! I pray that God will replace your ashes for beauty... your sadness for joy... and your turmoil for His everlasting peace! Shalom! Rom.8:28, Isa.61:3

Waiting on God

A couple of days ago, I had an itchy eye... and it sort of stung too. Like a needle was poking me. I tried to use my finger to get around the itchy part, under my eyelash... but it got worse. That night, I woke with an eye ache. I went to the bathroom to check ii out, but saw nothing. I assumed I must have pinched myself while scratching under my eyelash. The next night, it became swollen and the pains increased. I knew it was more than an itch. Something else was going on. But I couldn't figure out exactly what it was. 

Days later, I found a boil! Under a lap of flesh, under my eyelash. Alas! It wasn't a scratch from the itch, but a painful boil that made my head ache badly. I asked my significant other if I could apply palm oil or some other ointment. But he said no! "This is your eye! Don't put anything! The boil will burst and dry up," he said.

I kept checking my eye in the mirror every moment of the day. It was painful and uncomfortable. I could barely concentrate on what I had to get done. I struggled, prayed, and waited.

What are you waiting on God for, at this very moment? Probably, the problem or challenge might not be what you thought it was. Give it time, pray and keep waiting. I believe God will make your situations to unfold right before your eyes, and give you the wisdom to scale through and make the right decisions. 

As you wait on the Lord for the manifestation of your miracles and answers to your prayers, be at peace! God is never late! He is always on time! Habk.2:3

Do not Give Up

I remember on two, three occasions, one of my brothers decided to keep a fish as a pet. The fish kept dying. Don't know if it was loneliness, or lack of nutrient... but no matter what my brother did, the fish never survived. After a few tries, he gave up. And moved onto something else.

There are many creatures in the ocean, same way there are so many opportunities in the world, waiting for you to see them and grab them!

I hear people say they are looking for opportunities to make money or start a business. But when these opportunities are within their reach, they give up because of a couple of obstacles. 

Dearest, do not give up on your dreams, visions and desires. You've got only one life to live and you need to make the best of it. And don't forget, you've got the backing of the creator of the heavens and the earth. He has indeed gone before you! Do not fret! Deut. 31:8


Just came back from my children's school end of the term party... it was a colourful occasion. The adolescents were able to show case every single dance moves and singing they had been practicing for weeks. Congratulations to those graduating and moving on to different tertiary institutions. I wish them all the best 😊. 

As this year draw to a close in a matter of five months, do you ponder on what you will be moving onto? That next business? Job? Contract? Friendship? Relationship? For some people, you don't even have a clue on what to do. Mostly because of the present situation of things in the country.

Be it as it may, do not despair. The lover of your soul has gone before you. And he is right there beside you and even in you! He is the one who sees the end from the beginning. Remember, he's got your back all the way! Rejoice! πŸ’ƒ


I love fireworks... the burst of glittering colours... the loud, yet serene noise... the architectural shapes and sizes... it's always a delight to watch. One could literally escape into another world of wonder, in that, less than two, three minutes of bursting colours. You forget everything that worries and concerns you, for a moment, till the fireworks fade away. Then everything returns to normal. 

Sometimes, the initial joy you feel lingers for a while. At times, the harsh reality of your immediate situation and challenges knock the happy mood off your very soul πŸ˜” Be it as it may, life goes on.

I pray for you today, may God's blessings manifest in your life speedily, like fireworks, colouring every sphere of your life, in Jesus mighty name! πŸ™

Be As Little Children

Growing up in a home with more than three older siblings was quite a chore. It was mentally tasking, but also adventurously fun πŸ˜‚ Imagine sharing a bowl of food with four older children. I was usually at a disadvantage because I took my time to eat and was a picky eater. By the time I manage to take a spoonful of food, my other four older siblings would have emptied the bowl! 🀦‍♀️ 

On the play ground, it was a different story. You dare not try to bully me because, I have got four big and mighty bodyguards, who will disarm you, and teach you a lesson you will never forget. All I needed to do was scream! And they would show up! πŸ’ƒ 

It's the same thing when it comes to our relationship with the lover of our soul, the very one we gave our lives to. He hears us and even before you utter a single word, He knows exactly what you need and how you feel. He knows where it hurts. He knows everything! 

Don't let your challenges, problems, issues and wants bully you! All we need to do is to call on Him! And He will indeed show up!

If only we can be as little children, with the ability to trust completely, without an iota of doubt. I believe a good portion of our problems would be solved. Selah.

Be of good Cheer

Today... the news on the Internet hasn't been too great. News about death, accidents, fires, invading new diseases has been flying all over multiple social media platforms. The local and international television stations are not left out. There are ongoing wars and rumours of wars. Riots here and there... part of the earth's population is already living in famine, alongside drought. 

These news are disheartening. Especially when it affects you directly. Have you heard news from home today or recently? Was it good or bad? What's going on around you, in your neighbourhood, town, city, state and your country at large? Do you feel sick to the stomach because of the discouraging news rampaging your world?

Dearest, as long as you're connected to the creator of the heavens and the earth, be rest assured that you will flourish, even in chaos! Regardless of the news you've gotten from far and near, be it good or bad, all things, will work together for your good. Be of good cheer, beloved of the Lord πŸ€—

Loving Self

While growing up, I remember stammering as a toddler. I didn't know why I struggled with completing most of my sentences. It was always a chore airing my opinions... and I would rather succumb to silence than talk. Being teased by other children and adults (who should know better), made me feel inadequate and different. It made me crawl into a shell, a space I could find solace, all by myself. This space wasn't a physical place. But rather an imaginary location. I can be anywhere and be lost in my own thoughts and imaginations. I was happy here! Here in my 'escape world". 

As I grew older, the stammering subsided, but it always rears its ugly head whenever I got angry or hurt. Once again, I could barely force a few sentences outta my mouth. Imagine being insulted by another kid and everything I wanted to say comes out sounding like... like a bunch of gibberish. And other kids would laugh and laugh. I hated those situations. So, I avoided them. Invariably making me kinda a loner or some kid with fewer friends than I would have liked.

My 'escape world' became my paradise! I could go there anytime I want. I could say whatever I wanted and to whomever. And no one laughed at me. I was simply a 'god' in my own world. I created characters and gave them families, jobs, friendships businesses- basically, a life. My storytelling gift was nurtured in that world, long before I began to put them down in paper and ink.

As a teenager, the stammering was almost a thing of the past, but it still shows up once in a while. I still didn't like it. But, I resigned to living with it. At that time, I had already relocated my 'escape world' from my imaginations to scraps of paper that I turned into novel-like-books! People don't laugh at me anymore, mainly because they wanted to be lost in the enchanted world I created in the stories in my books. 

It's 2024. Do I still stammer? Yes. But only when I am upset. It seldom shows up now... And I am fine with it. Though I still do not like it.

What don't you like about yourself? Is it your body? Your handwriting? The shape of your head? Ears? Do you feel your nose are too large or too small? Or, do you stammer too? You don't like the sound of your voice, do you? Whatever it is... it might just be the very thing that God will use to launch you into your land of more than enough!

Remember, you were created in His image and likeness. Try as much as you can to love yourself. God loves you immensely more! 😍 John.3:16. Isa.43:4, " Since you were precious in My sight, You have been honored, And I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you, And people for your life."NKJV.

Even in Famine

The rate at which food prices has soared in our dear motherland, it makes me wonder how many will survive this season.

Back in the day, while the Israelites were still in the wilderness, God fed them with manna and quails. 

Our motherland can be compared to a wilderness right now. And we still serve the same God that brought water out of a rock!. The very one who parted the Red Sea! He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

I pray for you today, you will not lack daily bread! You will have enough to eat. You and your family! And you will also have more than enough to share with your neighbours and even strangers. In Jesus mighty name!

Are you wavery?

I heard that Dragon Totem Stainless bottle is unique. Be it hot or cold, your liquid will remain at the almost exact temperature, for many hours. True to the words of a former user, it is indeed unique and I am enjoying the product.

Are you who you say you are?

Can your neighbour vouch for you outside your immediate environment?

If you find yourself in a terrible situation and it is only your neighbour/co-worker/family, that can save you. Will their testimonies about you rescue you or put you in more problem?

Can people say this about you, "Emeka will never do such?"

"Cynthia will never say that kind of thing?"

How do you portray yourself everywhere you go?

Are you hot or cold?

Or do you switch moods like the weather?

Or are you like my Stainless bottle? You can adapt to the temperature of whatever liquid you are filled with.

Be it as it may, as children of the most high God, we should always exhibit a Christ-like behaviour, everywhere we find ourselves... in conduct, in speech... in attire... and in everything else. People should be able to say, "Oh yes! That is truly a child of God."

Selah (Think Deep)

Don't Lose Hope

I spoke to a woman living in the neighbourhood this morning, and she was complaining of how Herdsmen led their cows to her maize farm. Her money, sweat, and harvest disappeared in less than three hours! She had hoped that by harvest time, she would have enough corn to eat, sell, and make flour from the rest. But now, her hopes were dashed πŸ˜” 

When will all these obstacles end? How many of us can afford foodstuff these days? Ordinary vegetables have turned to gold!. And some of us that are trying to farm and provide food for ourselves, while we sow, others are basking in our harvest 😒 

Are you feeling like your hope has been erased due to some disappointments you encountered this morning, last night, or during the week?

Don't lose hope! Though the manifestation of your miracles may tarry, it will surely come to pass! Habkk.2:3

I pray for you today, your expectations will not be cut short in the mighty name of Jesus!

An Unpredictable Day

Woke up this morning to meet an empty 12.5kg cooking gas cylinder and no available electric current. 🀯 My mind went on a 360 degree thinking spree... If NEPA brings back the light now, I can use the hot plate to boil water for the kids to bath and also make their lunch. 

As at 6:30am, there was no sign of electricity. Jesus! Will the children use cold water to bath? The weather is super cold due to the continous rain fall. They might have to endure a cold bath. This is definitely unavoidable. They are already late for school. And we can't wait for NEPA.

While they bathed, my thoughts went on a race. What will I put in their lunch pack? Now that making Jollof rice was off the table. I settled on bread and butter. It won't suffice but, it will keep them for a few hours. Thank God it's Friday. They will come home early and fill their bellies in the afternoon. 

When the kids left for school, I began to ponder on what to do. How was I going to make breakfast for myself and the head of the house? We need electricity. We need cooking gas. How much is gas now? What was the last price I bought it? Where did I keep the receipt? 

Truth be told, due to some unpalatable navigations, we don't have the money to refill our cooking gas cylinder today. I am already praying that God will send His angels to the NEPA office in charge of distributing light to my area. And also arrange circumstances, so that I can make sales today And also touch someone's heart, nudging them in my direction (expecting alert).

Nevertheless, life happens to all... regardless of the situation you find yourself in this morning, give thanks. God knows your wants and needs and desires. I assure you, He will come through for you and me. He will not be Late! Rom. 8:28


In all your pursuit for stability, shelter, multiple sources of income, livelihood, relationship, education, partnership, wealth, endeavours, this year... 

Let this year, this 2024, be all about Him... Your First Love... Jesus.

This current period can be likened to the writhing pains of a pregnant woman. It's like the agony will never stop πŸ˜” But in due time and season, you will surely breakforth, like the birth of a new born! Wipe away those tears and rejoice! Again i say REJOICE! πŸ˜‚

Psalm 30:5, Philippians 4:4